Sunday, September 30, 2012

Wedding (cake) makes me cry...

The cake without the topper
So before I started at my current job I was a cake decorator for some local store chains for about three years. I love baking and decorating cakes, cupcakes and such but I needed something that could give me more time with my family and had better financial gain than I was able to make then I was at the time.

In my small community there was no room for me to improve or use my baking and decorating skills elsewhere that would pay me any better. (I am self taught using books, video, observation and lots of practice). If I could go back and do things differently I would consider going to pastry school and perhaps I would not be in the small community that I am from, but that was not the choice I made several years ago and at this time that is not an option.

With the topper...before accident
In any case I still do cake work on the side. I make wedding, birthday and any other types of cakes for friends, family or anyone who wants one.

Picture the groom sent :(
This weekend I had the good fortune to make a wedding cake for a lovely couple. After transporting it to the reception site, setting it up and placing the topper  on the cake I had the chance to talk to the groom. Since he liked the cake and seemed happy I left.

A little while later he texts me a picture. He went to show the cake to his mom and realized there was a problem. Due to its weight and the fact that cake is a bit spongey the cake topper did not want to stay in place and it fell, causing some damage on the way down.

Since it was in town and only a few minutes away I could go back and fix it. I had once been called "Cake Doctor" because I generally able to fix the problems  leaving very little trace that there had been a problem in the first place.  I carried my large toolbox in and assessed the damage.

It was the back of the cake so for the most part it would not be seen by guests or in pictures, that was a relief.  I smoothed out the icing, adding and removing as needed, redid the boarder in the affected spots,  and added a bit more of the red decoration to help cover the patched areas.

Given the time constraints, the tools I had on me and the amount of damage I feel that it was a successful "surgery."

After fixing it.
 I swear its not leaning I just can't take a straight picture.

I am sure that this incident will be a funny little story that the couple tells about their wedding day and I am glad that I was able to work with them. I know that every wedding has some hitch or problem, but if you have someone who is willing to fix the problem a lot of times the guests and even the bridal party might never know that the problem existed in the first place.

So let me just say I love cakes and decorating but after a long day of trying to make something perfect and having an accident (even a small one with an easy fix) occur I sometimes just want to cry.  Luckily this was not one of those days. :)

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